[Untitled] 100x100 cm oil on canvas
[Untitled] 100x100 cm oil on canvas
[Untitled] 80x80 cm oil on canvas
[Untitled] 50x60 cm oil on linen
Verflossen ist das Gold der Tage (Gone is the gold of day) Trakl - Rondel; 30x40 cm oil on canvas
Sieh, der Tag verlangsamt sich (See, the day is slowing) Rilke; 30x24 cm oil on canvas
Auf der Galerie (Up in the Gallery) Kafka; 150x120 cm oil on canvas
Daedalus 100x100 cm oil on canvas
Fernweh (Yearning to be there) 150x120 cm oil on canvas
Die Nacht zum Tag machen (Painting the Town Red) 80x80 cm oil on canvas
Ephesus 150x120 cm mixed media, oil on canvas and charcoal
Nachtgedanken (Night Thoughts) 80x80 cm oil on canvas
The Time is out of Joint (Shakespeare) - Die Zeit ist aus den Fugen (Ü Schegel/Tieck) 100x100 cm oil on canvas
Islands of light are falling through the trees (Virginia Woolf) - Lichterinseln stürzen durch die Wipfel 100x100 cm oil on canvas
Bleierne Zeit - Leaden Times 100x100 cm oil on canvas
Verklärte Nacht (Transfigured Night) 150x120 cm mixed media
Übergang (Transition) 76x76 cm mixed media, oil on canvas and charcoal
Entfesseltes Licht (Unleashed Light) 76x76 cm oil on canvas
Zwischenspiel (Interlude) 30x30 cm mixed media, oil on canvas
Feuerflügel (Wings of Fire) 150x120 cm oil on canvas
Belebter Stein (Animated Stone) 76x76 cm oil on canvas
Schwingungen (Oscillations) 2x 76x76 cm mixed media, oil and charcoal on canvas
Schwingungen 1 (Oscillations 1) 76x76 cm mixed media, oil and charcoal on canvas
Schwingungen 2 (Oscillations 2) 76x76 cm mixed media, oil and charcoal on canvas
Parallelwelten (Parallel Worlds) 51x51 cm oil on canvas
Lichtermeer (Sea of Lights) 60x50 cm oil on canvas
Lichteinfall (Incidents of Light) 40x30 cm oil on canvas
Shieferrot (Shale Red) oil on board
Urgestein (Bedrock) 40x30 cm oil on canvas
Nachtschatten (Night Shadow) 50x60 cm oil on canvas